Pack 216 is happy to have you as a leader! Below you’ll find resource guides for each position - click on yours for details on your role, responsibilities, and expectations, as well as information on training opportunities and other important materials!
Cubmaster & Assistant cubmaster
The Cubmaster & Assistant Cubmaster help plan our Cub Scout program, guiding den leaders and helping set the direction of the pack.
Den leader & Assistant den leader
The pack is made up of dens (scouts grouped by grade), and each one has a Den Leader that plans and facilitates the meetings for each adventure.
Committee Member
The pack is guided by a committee that meets regularly to plan the direction of the pack. They work with the Garage and the Cubmaster to maintain a budget, create a schedule, and make sure the pack has everything they need.
Committee Chair
The committee chair leads the committee, working with the Garage’s Chartered Organization Representative to ensure that the pack is meeting the Garage’s expectations. They are responsible for planning and running the committee meetings.