Our Mission
The Garage in Gilman exists to strengthen the Iroquois West communities and enrich the lives of community members by providing a place to work, play, learn, celebrate, serve, and be together.
Our Vision
While we hope to be a community center enjoyed by all, our primary focus is to provide a place for our youth. Our vision for this center is:
• A welcoming place where everyone is invited and encouraged to participate
• Programs and activities that provide our youth with knowledge, skills, support, and confidence to succeed
• A safe place to provide “down time” for youth and families to relax and spend time together
• A place for local organizations to host programs for the community
• A meeting place for families, groups, or clubs
Our Core Values
The Garage in Gilman was founded on Christian principles and our decisions, programming, conduct, and attitudes reflect these principles. Our values transcend cultural, religious, racial, gender, sexual identity, and socioeconomic differences.
• Prayer – We use prayer, both individually and as an organization, as a way to keep our focus and direction on a good path. We thank God for the opportunity to serve the community.
• Community – We believe in facilitating interaction between community members as much as possible. This fellowship builds a more connected and stronger community.
• Fairness – We try to be impartial and objective when working with others. We believe everyone deserves equal opportunities and access to the resources provided by the community center.
• Caring – We strive to be kind, compassionate, and understanding towards every member of our community.
• Trust – We believe that being open, honest, and consistent will help build the trust of the community and the people that we interact with. Our policies will be developed to foster an environment to safeguard the well-being of everyone that walks through our doors.
• Respect – We treat every individual with dignity and expect all those volunteering or participating in activities to do the same.
As much as possible, The Garage partners with local community and non-profit organizations, churches, and schools for fundraising, community building, education, and community service programs. While we have our own programs and activities, the community center also provides low cost facilities for these organizations to raise money and host activities for their own causes.
The Garage will adhere to our core values when developing partnerships in order to maintain the trust, enjoyment, and safety of all participants.
The Garage seeks to be good stewards of the resources we have available. We know that the time, energy, and money of our volunteers and donors are gifts that should be respected and managed carefully. We are committed to openness and honesty regarding our organization’s plans, decisions, and finances.